How to properly thank your guests


First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes writing thank you notes for all the gifts you received from your guests on your special day. It’s always in good taste to let everyone know that you appreciate their contribution to your happily ever after. It may seem like a daunting task, but with a little organization and a game plan, we can help you get them taken care of in the blink of an eye.

Have your guest list handy. If you have a record of who came to your wedding, you’ll have a head start on an accurate representation of who all brought gifts. You can create an instant checklist and simply check each person off the list as you go through your gifts.

Always paper, never email.  After making your list, decide on the best medium for your thank you. Always send a note or card, never send an email or quick message over social media. A note or card is much more personal and will have your guests feeling how much they contributed to your celebration. You want to conclude your wedding with good feelings all around.

Continue with the theme of your wedding invitation.  Don’t go with an obscure style when picking out what you want for your thank you note. Continue the general theme that your wedding invitation had to tie it altogether with a nice post-wedding bow. You want your invite and thank you notes to have a smooth flow, from beginning to end.

Create a timeframe. Set a deadline; allot yourself a specific amount of time to have your thank you notes sent by. Much like setting a date for your wedding, if you don’t set a date for your thank yous, it may never happen. The most ideal timeframe to have your notes out is within 3 to 6 months after your nuptials. 

Tie in something special. Chances are a lot of the people that attended your wedding have a special place in your heart. For whatever reason that may be, try to tie it into your thank you. Let them know that you really appreciate not only the gift they contributed, but you also appreciate them as a person and the place they hold your heart.

Though it may seem like a lot of work and time, your guests will appreciate you and your other half for putting in the effort. As long as you have a plan of action, the process will be easy and fast. This is the last wedding task you’ll have, so remember that you’re in the final stretch during the process and revel in an event well executed!