DIY Tin Can Lanterns

Everyone has tin cans sitting around their house. But not many people know what to do with them. These tin cans can be the perfect addition to your rustic wedding this summer. Whether outdoor, barn or farm ceremony and reception, these can be perfect for the adding a rustic touch.

You’ll only need a few things for this project. First you’ll need as many tin cans as you want for your wedding. These can be great aisle runners, hung from trees or just placed on tables around the reception.

Next you’ll need a nail and some wire so make a handle if you want one on your can. A handle adds a nice touch and then gives you the ability to hang them and move them more easily if you want them too. 

Then you can create the pattern. By using a nail and hammer you can punch small holes through the can. You can make a pattern or just an array of dotes all over the can. This is where you can get personal and make whatever kind of design you desire.

Finally you can remove the lid and then paint the cans however you want them. Mix and match with lots of different colors or have a uniform look for all the cans. Choose whatever fits in better with your vision. 

Then you can add the candles and your done! These will look great with evening and nighttime weddings or could just be filled with flowers for a daytime wedding. You can do as you wish and make them unique for you.