How to be the best bridesmaid ever!
As a bridesmaid, you have responsibilities and tasks that need to be completed to ensure the day of the wedding runs as efficiently as possible. Because of this, we have provided below, a list of what not to do in order to make this happen. Ladies; listen carefully because your girl needs all the support she can get the day she says her vows!
Asking questions. Chances are your bride is already juggling thoughts about whether or not the caterer arrived on time, the cake is intact, and if she remembered something blue—asking her critical questions or posing any slight possibility of stress is not going to help her out at all. Instead, ask a family member or take the initiative to deliberate with the other bridesmaids to come to a solution unless it is dyer bride business that only she can attest to.
In case of an emergency... The first thing you must do when there is an emergency behind the scenes on her special day, is to recruit friends, family and/or venue staff that can help, and then try and resolve the issue amongst yourselves. Unless she absolutely has to know what’s going on, don’t spoil her bliss by adding uneccesary stress to her plate.
Complaints. There is a big possibility that your bride is going to be physically and mentally drained by the time the day is over. Although exhilarating and fun, celebrations take a lot of energy, and chances are your couple won’t have had much time to even eat much during their reception. Not to mention the emotional exhaustion that goes along with it! Chase away any negative vibes that may arise by avoiding complaints and encouraging positive comments. Everyone is there to celebrate a happy union after all!
Offer help. Your bride will be so appreciative if you offer a hand when you see her struggling. Even if this means just holding her dress while she uses the restroom, she will be eternally grateful for any help she receives that de-stresses her. Bringing her little snacks while she goes from one task to the next, keeping the atmosphere light and cheerful, and offering help, like fixing a piece of her hair that’s gone rogue, will make her day even more enjoyable.
Help guide others. You will most likely know a little bit more about the event since you have been behind the scenes while the bride has been planning and prepping for her big day. If you overhear guests with questions and are able to answer, jump in and do so! By doing this, you’re relieving the couple of answering one more question to already many questions they may receive on their day.
The easiest way to assist your bride on her special day is just to simply be a good friend. Keep in mind that she is most likely stressed and nervous, and in need of support from you and the rest of her ladies. Be there for her and remember to keep it light and have fun!