Beauty Tips for Every Bride
On Tuesday we covered hair ideas, so today, let’s focus on makeup. Whether you’re looking for that perfect smoky eye or complete natural look, we have some helpful tips for you not only for wedding day, but leading up to the day of as well. Here are some day-of and pre-wedding day tips and hints!
Sleep, sleep, sleep. Sleep is not only vital for functioning in everyday life, but it is even more vital when you’re getting ready for your big day. It helps fight dark under eye circles and puffiness, as well as makes you feel better and less stressed in general!
Cut down on dairy. It seems like dairy tends to be the culprit for most of our breakouts. If this is you, cut down on cheese, milk, even chocolate, in the days leading up to your wedding to avoid any surprise breakouts. We don’t like surprises when your special day is just around the corner.
Stick with what works. Don’t switch up your skin products, moisturizing regimen, or any other skin care routine you have that works for you too close to your wedding day. Don’t try to change something that doesn’t need to be changed—you risk the chance of a possible bad reaction. We want to avoid this at all costs!
Smoky eye. A look that we all love and chase after; the perfect smoky eye. If you want to convey a sultry, seductive bridal look, go for a smoky eye and nude lip. Since you’ll be sporting a bold eye, it’s better to keep the lip neutral, as not to overwhelm your features. We recommend having a test run beforehand with a makeup artist that you trust and have hired for the day of.
Natural palette. Opposite of the smoky eye; a soft, romantic neutral look. If you go this route, a bold lip is welcomed, almost encouraged! However, feel free to go for a light lip if you want. Going for a more natural look inspires something sweet and simple as the overall aesthetic effect.
Water, water, water. Drinking water helps flush out all the bad toxins from your body. In doing so, it helps cleanse your skin as well. This helps reduce any puffiness you may have from eating too much salt, etc. Water is always a good idea!
These are all simple and straight forward tips and hints that will just make you feel better in daily life, and even better in the days leading up to your wedding. We hope you can use them!